Well, if symbolism will be someone's downfall, at least I want to know what it is.
This is a collection of symbols and their meanings. You can search for a symbol and learn more about it. The content is user-generated and moderated. If you'd like to contribute, post some symbol decodes on X and use the hashtag #decodingsymbols.
I check X regularly and if I see a good decode, I'll reach out to you to see if you'd like to contribute to this project.
The radiation count is a measure of how nuclear the community considers a symbol. It's a measure of how popular a symbol is.
Look, I get it. This is a weird project and some people might think this whole thing is a little schizo. I get it. It is a little schizo, tbh.But I think it's fun and I hope you do too. If you don't, that's cool too.
Yes, there are rules.
Read the rulesThis project grew out of my fascination of endless hours of reading this blog. I wanted to make a more interactive version of it. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks to the author of that blog for the inspiration. They are a better writer than I am and they put an incredible amount of work into their blog. There is no affiliation between this project and that blog. The ideas expressed in the blog are not necessarily the ideas expressed by the users of this project.
Currently, this project is 100% financed by me. If it ever grows to a point where it needs more infrastructure resources than I can afford, I will consider options.
Any affiliation with any organization is purely coincidental. I am just a person who likes to code and read about symbols. I am not affiliated with any organization. I am not a member of any organization. I am not a member of any secret society. I am not a member of any cult. If anyone claims that this app is censoring them, they are lying. No censorship is happening on this platform. Data is deleted when it is illegal or violates the rules.
This site uses cookies to manage sessions of authenticated users, and track options turned on or off in the menu system, such as, but not limited to, changing the appearance of the website. No personally identifiable data is recorded or used as part of this platform. No personally identifiable data is allowed to be placed in the system. Any abuse of this policy will result in a ban and irreversible deletion of the data. Any incidental data collected such as an IP address because of an error or some other unusual condition will not be sold or given to any third party. In fact, no data will be sold or given to any third party voluntarily.
Outside of what is necessary to run the platform, no data will be collected or stored.
The app stores the history of viewed symbols in the browsers local storage. This data is not shared with the server and is only used to improve the user experience. The server itself does not store what symbols a specific user (or anonymous guest) has viewed.
If you have any concerns about privacy, please ab-use the symbol flagging system to report the issue, since that is the only official way to contact the admins.